The Ta’anis starts at 6:06am. There will be an early mincha at 12:25 in addition to the mincha b’zman at 4:10. Have an easy fast.
We are happy to share that R’Yaacov Meir Reznitsky will be starting to give the Daf every night after 8:45 Mariv. Daf will be from approx 9:00-9:29! We begin Mesechtas Pesachim this Monday. It’s a great time to…
Mazel Tov to Mr.& Mrs. Yaccov Brisman upon the engagement of their daughter, Rachaeli, to Eli Smulowitz of Flatbush. Wishing them much mazel and bracha.
We will Iy’h be starting our Avos ubanim program this Motzei Shabbos! The program will be in the ballroom, for 45 minutes, starting at 6:15. Masks are required at all times. Please email or text Akiva at 347-882-1622 for…